gufy = getting users for you

Growth hacking
for startups

We help startups achieve rapid growth through innovative, data-driven and low-cost growth hacking strategies.

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growth hacking
Koba car insuranceMygigsters

"I loved the energy of the team and how they devised an amazing plan to get 100+ users to MyGigsters in less than 6 weeks without burning the bank"

Benjemen Elengovan | Founder, MyGigsters

"Loved working with Suren.  He’s a great young talent who understand the science and dark arts behind search and social ads"

Andrew Wong | Founder and CEO, Koba Insurance
Show me the way

Gufy's guide to growth

Where are you at?


We validate your idea against the target market and bring you your first customers. An idea will still be only an idea without customers.


We help you test the waters and bring in more customers. Trust us, no one wants a product/service that’s made for everyone.


We optimise your entire marketing funnel. Data-driven, cost-effective growth experiments to consistently reach more customers.

About us
We're growth hackersbased in Melbourne

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The awesome people who makes all this possible
Growth Hacking
Repositioned to target enterprise customers, aligning product and marketing strategies, leading to seed funding preparation and growth.
Growth Hacking
Scaled growth by refining user segmentation, improving retention metrics, and positioning for seed funding with data analytics
Growth Hacking
Increased marketing ROI by 25% and lead conversion rates by 20% through data-driven insights, campaign optimization, and marketing automation
Growth Hacking
Reduced drop-offs by 30% and boosted retargeting by 25% with improved onboarding, personalized content, and data-driven re-engagement strategies.
Let's get real

We've helped founders scale from $0 to $3 million valuation

Sometimes all it takes is starting a conversation.

4 steps to get you customers

1. Let's talk

Nothing like a good 'ol deep-dive ideation session to get started!

2. Let's plan

Data-driven approach to validate product/service marketing

3. Let's launch

Growth experts with expertise in marketing, startups, entrepreneurship, behavioural psychology, design with a strong growth mindset

4. Let's grow

We build long term and pro relationships with our clients

Take a closer look

Case studies

Achieving Strategic Alignment and Enterprise Growth

We repositioned for B2B success, leading to growth and seed funding.

Scaled Effectively with Data Analytics and Product-Market Fit Consulting

We enhanced SecondFit's user segmentation and data transparency, boosting app usage and securing seed funding potential.

Achieved a 25% Increase in Marketing ROI by Leveraging Data-Driven Insights

We improved Unacademy's marketing ROI by 25% and lead conversion rates by 20% using data-driven strategies and automation.

Decreased Drop-offs & Boosted Retargeting with Data-Driven Onboarding

We reduced Upgrad's user drop-offs by 30% and boosted retargeting effectiveness by 25% through improved onboarding and personalized re-engagement strategies.

Increased User Match Rate by 60% with Enhanced Product Analytics

We improved Humpday’s match rate by 60% using Mixpanel analytics to refine the algorithm and enhance user experience.

Achieved a 40 % Increase in Customer Acquisition with Targeted Campaigns

We boosted MyBiz’s customer acquisition by 40%, retention by 30%, and market share by 20% through targeted campaigns and strategic repositioning.

Boosted Revenue by 30% with Customer Lifecycle and Penetration Strategies

We drove a 30% revenue increase for MakeMyTrip, with 20% MoM growth and a 35% rise in new user registrations by optimizing customer lifecycle management.

Reduced cost of acquisition by 70% and improved ROI by 33%

We cut acquisition costs and improved targeting by testing strategies and refining them based on performance data, leading to better campaign results.

120 early-access signups before app’s market release

We accelerated MyGigster's growth with a lean validation approach, testing strategies across multiple channels to quickly assess market demand.


What can you do for me?

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere.

Where are we located?

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere.

How can I contact you?

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere.

thank you for your visit!   thank you for your visit!  thank you for your visit!  thank you for your visit!
growth hacking starts here  GROWTH hacking starts here  Growth hacking starts here

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