Growth Workshop

For when you are at your idea stage

As an early-stage startup founder, you will likely encounter these common challenges, such as: 
identifying the right target audience
crafting the perfect message
finding the most effective marketing channels
setting up data tracking to measure success. 
Navigating these complexities can be overwhelming and lead to burnout. To help you overcome these obstacles, eliminate inefficiencies and unlock your startup's full growth potential, we've designed a Growth Marketing Workshop.

Why every startup founder needs our Growth Workshop

A deep-dive session that’s tailored to your challenges and growth objectives.

Gain a deeper understanding of your target audience

Identifying and connecting with early adopters is key to driving growth. Our workshop helps you pinpoint your early adopters and tailor your marketing strategies to resonate with them.

Get clarity on your marketing efforts

Don't waste time and resources on strategies that don't deliver results. We'll support you to create a focused and effective marketing plan, so you can allocate your budget and energy where it matters most.

Set the foundation for sustainable growth

Our workshop equips you with the knowledge and tools needed to build a scalable marketing strategy that adapts as your startup grows.
Gains and more gains

Benefits of the Growth Workshop

Identify your early adopters

Our workshop helps you define your target audience and understand their needs, motivations, and pain points. This ensures that your marketing efforts are laser-focused on the people most likely to become loyal customers.

Value proposition canvas for early adopters

We guide you through the process of creating a value proposition canvas that dives deep into your early adopters' wants and needs. This exercise helps you refine your product or service offering and create compelling messaging that resonates with your audience.

Understand your AARRR funnel

We'll introduce you to the AARRR funnel (Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Referral and Revenue), which is essential for tracking and optimising your customer journey. By understanding this funnel, you can identify areas for improvement and develop targeted strategies to boost growth.

Define key metrics and your north star metric

Our workshop will help you identify the most important metrics for each stage of your AARRR funnel, as well as your north star metric. Tracking these metrics ensures you have a clear understanding of your startup's progress and can make data-driven decisions to drive growth.

Our growth workshop was created for you

Tap into your startup's growth potential
Build a solid foundation for your marketing efforts and gain the clarity + insights you need to accelerate your startup's growth. And yes, we'll be with you every step of the way.
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Express delivery

We are a startup, we understand.

Growth should not be complicated.
Let's make it easy.